Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bibble 5.2.3 Just Released

Hi Folks...

Well, it might have seemed a bit quiet around the forums and here in the blog, but that didn't mean we were slacking off.  Quite the contrary.  We've just posted the final version of Bibble 5.2.3  - and it includes a host of great improvements:

16 New Camera RAW formats
Some exciting new cameras have hit the shelves in the last couple months, and we're thrilled to be able to add support for so many of them.  I picked up a Olympus E-PM1 right when it came out - so of course we support it now :).  Many other mirrorless cameras are in our newly supported camera list - just take a look:

  • Olympus E-P3, E-PL3, E-PM1, XZ-1
  • Panasonic G3, GF1
  • Leica V-LUX 2, D-LUX 5
  • Nikon D5100, P7100, V1, J1
  • Sony A-77, A-65, NEX-5N
Interesting: only three of those have mirrors at all - and of those, two are translucent!

Mirrors or not, all cameras will appreciate out new RAW Noise control:

This may look like a simple, little tool, but it packs quite a punch.  The "Impulse" part does a great job at automatically finding dead or hot pixels and quickly corrects them.  These are seen most in higher ISO shots and long exposures (several second), but on one of my older cameras, there are a couple stuck pixels that are apparent even at ISO 100.  This control is on by default, so you likely won't even notice - expect those pesky hot spots will mysteriously vanish.  The 'RAW Noise' portion of the control and Threshold sliders work together to smooth out the worst of the noise before demosaicing. This gives tools like Noise Ninja a much better starting point, so these  two controls work great together.

We've also added a 'Blacks' slider - a handy and quick way to deepen the darkest portions of a photo, and we've added an 'Edit in External Editor' command to let you quickly 'round trip' in your favorite pixel editor.

We've fixed loads of bugs, improved stability, memory management, and removed a couple conditions that could cause the application to hang on single CPU computers.  

In otherwords, we've added quite a bit.

There is more big news to come in early 2012.  But for now, just enjoy the FREE upgrade to Bibble 5, and have yourself a mirrorless holiday season!

Cheers, Jeff