Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hi Folks,

Well, I'm happy to announce that Kevin Vandivier and Jeff Cicolani and just opened the doors to the BIBBLE BASICS workshop.

Jeff Cicolani spent quite a bit of time over here at the Labs, getting to know the ins and outs of Bibble 5 even better than he knew it before. It was really interesting for me to work with Kevin and Jeff in getting this put together, and I'm really excited about this new learning option for our customers.

Photo by Jeff Cicolano

This first workshop is designed to get you up and running with Bibble 5 quickly, making sure you are proficient at using the basics of Bibble 5. It a four-week, online workshop, meaning that anyone anywhere in the world can join in. An in-person version is planning as well, but that might still be a few months away. (Let us know in the comments if you'd be interested in an in-person workshop)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bibble Training @ Texas Photo Workshops

As Bibble has grown in popularity over the years, we've had more and more customers wanting more and different learning options about our products. When Bibble 5 launched, we started out with a small set of tutorial videos, the on-line and PDF User Manual, FAQ's and of course our forums. But we've never had in-person training classes or dedicated, online workshops that will walk new users through the details of a photographic workflow using Bibble. Until now...

This summer, we've been working closely with the good folks at Texas Photo Workshops to put a workshop series together - and we're getting very close to launching it! Kevin Vandivier created the Texas Photo Workshops in 2008, after his time as the Photography Editor at Texas Highways Magazine (where he received numerous awards, including Honorable Mention for “Photo Editor of the Year” in the coveted Best of Photojournalism competition for 2009). For over 30 years, Kevin has traveled extensively throughout the U.S. and the world, covering assignments for Life, Newsweek, USA Today, National Geographic World & Adventure, Texas Monthly, Texas Highways and numerous other publications. His current workshops include his wildly popular Photographers Rehab, Masters of Light, and many others taught by Kevin and his partners. Here's how Kevin describes TPW:

Texas Photo Workshop was founded in 2008 by award winning photographer and photo editor Kevin Vandivier. TPW teaches excellence in photography by hiring A‐List photographers who have a proven track record as professional, award-winning photographers to teach our photography workshops. Both the online and in‐person workshops will advance your learning process by months, if not years. See what we offer at www.texasphotoworkshops.com.

We'll be starting out with a beginners workshop on the basics of a photographic workflow built around Bibble. Kevin and his team have put a huge amount of work into this first program, and I'm thrilled by the quality and quantity of information, and the easy, approachable style of his workshops. More details will follow about this as we get a bit closer to launch.

Here are a few of my favorite photos by Kevin: